The Teachings

Meditation for the Workplace

Meditation in the Workplace – Combating Burnout and More Stress thrives in the workplace. Many professions are infested with burnout resulting from ill-managed chronic workplace stress. As regular meditation relieves accumulated stress and nurtures inner calm and the state of restful awareness, it is also an effective remedy for burnout in the workplace. There are many studies that demonstrate how meditation contributes...

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Meditation for Stress Management and More

What is Stress? The word stress is commonly perceived as inherently negative. It is generally understood to be the sense of emotional or physical tension stemming from a frustrating or otherwise agitating experience or thought. At its core, however, the definition of stress is neutral: stress is merely how our body-mind reacts when faced with change; it is not an external circumstance...

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Inner Wisdom Awakening

What is Inner Wisdom Awakening? Inner Wisdom Awakening is an inward journey of healing and self-transformation. This series of sessions consists of various wisdom teachings and practical tools that empower you to let go of that which no longer serves you and of anything that is holding you back from growing into what you are meant to become, ultimately enabling you to...

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Primordial Sound Meditation

What is Primordial Sound Meditation? Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM) is a powerful practice that takes you on a journey into the stillness and silence within. It is recommended for anyone who wishes to enjoy deeper peace, freedom of spirit, and mastery of life. Primordial Sound Meditation is a self-healing process of returning to the memory of wholeness, a profound inward journey through...

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